Trans-Siberian Orchestra Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Dreams We Conceive

In a city
After midnight
Neath the halo
Of street light
Where the dreams die
As the blood dries
On the wounds we keep hidden from view

In the safety
Of this darkness
As it hides all
Time has tarnished
The forbidden
Are secure here where no-one pursues

But the night fades away
And gives way to the day
For what else is the night to do
As the dark steps aside
With the hopes we confide
And never believes
That the dreams we conceived
Would ever
Not ever come true

Is life different
After midnight
With its new dawn
And its new light
And indifferent
To the things
We were so sure we knew

As you stood there
In the night air
With such beauty
That the stars stared
From their distance
You were different
Like a dream
That no-one could refuse

But the night fades away
And gives way to the day
For what else is
The night to do
As the dark steps aside
With the hopes we confide
And never believes
That the dreams we conceived
Would ever
Not ever come true

As you stand all
Alone at your station
What if god doesn't
Know where you are
As you send out your
Prayers for salvation
But afraid that
They don't go that far

So you wait all
Alone in your darkness
There's a train that drives on
Through the night
And if everyone's
On it except us
Would it return for
That single life

In a city
After midnight
Neath the halo
Of a street light